Want to make some extra money online? Do you know the best way to make money online is writing articles? If you already submitted some articles but not getting much traffic, you are not doing the right things. There are 3 Powerful ways you can use to draw traffic and make sales with articles:
Method #1 - You should write for human readers. Provide solid content that add value to your readers, share your experience to solve their problem and forget all about keywords and search engine optimization! Go to the related forum and research the problems and solution, write articles to help solve the problems.
This is the best way to attract e-zine publishers and human visitors. The key is to research your topic on the forum, focus on the problem that most of the members are facing and outline those problems and solutions in your articles. You need to write multiple versions of the same topic with different words and angles; this will give you more chance to show up on the search engine result and getting more people to view your articles!
Method #2 - Write keyword focused articles. If the particular keywords have many view and search, you want to write keyword optimized article to tap into the search engine directly. Your article title, first paragraph, middle paragraph and last paragraph should have the keywords in it, and you want to target the long tailed keyword, don't go broad!
You will need to build a lot of back links for those competitive keywords in order to rank well on the search engine page #1. Using this method requires more SEO knowledge and work, and the best part is web 2.0 provides just the best way for you to build back links. For better result, you need blog networks to help you build back links! Some good networks such as traffic kahuna and article automation
Method #3 - Write for human but keep your keyword in mind... You want to focus on human readers, but at the same time you naturally embed the major long tail keyword into your article.
You want to use LSI with theme keywords (for example, use related keywords for Golf, like history of golf, mini golf, golf instruction, golf bags, golf accessories, tiger woods, golf courses, golf game...), you need to write longer article, above 700 words would be better! Furthermore, you also need to create back links to your page, using all those theme keywords as your anchor text. If you do it correctly, this could bring you massive traffic with multiple keywords targeted!
With a combination of these 3 methods, you can have a different level of success, the key is to focus on 1 method and master it before going to the next! Give yourself at least 3 weeks to try on each method before moving on, or you won't see many results from it!
You also want to avoid scam affiliate products that would potentially damage your reputation...
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