If you are a serious article marketer I am sure you have heard of the term article "spinning". Article spinning is where you replace a word, complete sentence or even a entire paragraph with another when publishing articles.The advantage of spinning an article is that you can submit your article many times to different locations without having your article labeled for duplication by the search engines. Using article spinning gives you an advantage because you can target multiple niche markets using the same article. If you are crafty you can generate some quality traffic to your blog or website.
For example lets use the keyword phrase "website content". I am going to write a paragraph about "article content" but I am going to use article spinning to target two different specific keyword niches using these keyword phrases. The keyword phrases I am going to target are "free sports content" and "free article marketing content" I am including an example below what the actual article file would like before the article is published so you can see how the article spinning code is constructed. The code I am showing you here is from one of the automated article software packages I use. I enclosed the brackets with " " so you could see the spin code, otherwise this paragraph would automatically article spin for me.
"Article Marketing Blog webmasters are you interested in getting 100% free article marketing content to your website or blog automatically every single day?" There's a new article marketing software that distributes " free fishing content to your blog everyday." "Just sign up for free and add your settings information to the article marketing robot and you are ready to go." Then all you do is review the daily free article marketing content that comes to your blog everyday! it's a win win situation for you.
You notice with just a simple modification in my sentence structure I was able to reach out to two different niches. If this is hard to understand just remember that every time there is a bracket, the automated article marketing software will replace a different phrase each time the article is published to a new website or blog.Imagine if you wrote a 1000 word article and replaced your sentences with new sentences that targeted a multiple niches , can you see how powerful that would be each time the article was published on a new website or blog?
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Mark Fleagle
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