Saturday 22 November 2008

What is Brute Force SEO (preview)

Brute Force SEO: The name creates an image.
The name 'Brute Force SEO' suggests a product that may be a help with search engine optimisation but is neither refined nor subtle.

Peter Drew is making some claims for BruteForce SEO that hardly subtle, but the imagary is pretty refined.

His website at is, at the time of writing, pretty bare apart from an earlybird signup form ( I recommend signing up ) and a link to the feature set of the software.

The first reason for signing up to the early bird list is that only 500 subscriptions will be sold.

Anyhow, the tools
Brute Force does what exactly?

Well, it seems to me to be an amalgamation of his previous products that have for some months been on sale to thousands of willing buyers. I will go into more detail shortly but in essence the system is designed to create basic sites on a number of host sites, what some people call ‘parasite hosting’.

When the sites have been created a linking structure is set up so that each page can expect to rank well in its own right as well as linking, ultimately to the money pages.

After this the Brute Force software syndicates all the feeds created to about 20 Rss directories and search engines, the search engine spiders follow the links to your new pages.
Next the articles added to BFS are syndicated to a network of article directories where they will be read by thousands and, with luck, receive onward syndication.
If any video has been added to the system then Brute Force SEO will forward it to 20 video directories.

With the exception of adding content to the system almost everything is automated. Of course where captchas are needed to show that a human is at work then we users need to do some work.

The whole process to set up an entire network is about 30 minutes (according to Peter Drew, I have not yet had chance to use the whole system.)

A point to note is that BruteForce SEO can handle several projects at once so one can spend a morning setting up several networks, interrupted only by the need to add captchas and review progress.

Pete’s claim that a user can Dominate Google" with this system is, in my opinion entirely feasible. Brute Force uses techniques that I have used and know work, giving me similar results to those claimed for BFS. A significant warning to potential users is this: I got to be among the top affiliates for some high profile launches without an email list by using some techniques similar to those used by Pete, however I was doing it without website competition from major marketers. I always thought this very lazy and have made very good bank from their short sightedness, but I can only imagine what would happen if a substantial portion of the users of Brute Force SEO all latched onto the same product or launch.
In my opinion users will need to work to find appropriate niches and make careful choices about which products to support, or to accept that in the final analysis, even a tool such as Brute Force SEO needs skill and care to get the best from it.

Another point to bear in mind is that in the past some of Pete’s stuff has not always worked as well as buyers might wish. This won't be a problem - Brute Force SEO was designed using elements from earlier BadAss offerings and, as a flagship product, Peter Drew's good name is on the line!

When I found out about Brute Force SEO I signed up as I can see a lot of potential here. As long as the software does its job and users apply the requisite care and skill then BruteForce SEO users will do well.

Please sign up and take a look whilst it is still possible!

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