Friday 7 November 2008

Myth And Hype: Affiliate Payload and Real Results

An evaluation of the myth surrounding Affiliate Payload by a real user who tested the advocated traffic strategies over a period (a note of caution is also sounded on the product).

Affiliate Payload is a Traffic Buying information package written and released by Saj P and Alex Goad. Whether Alex Goad compiled and presented the information in the package is unclear and Myth Buster suspects that Saj P did the implementation.

The entire product consists of downloadable videos and a pdf document. The document is well researched and written, flows logically and contains more than enough examples. The videos contain some additional examples and additional information, but ramble somewhat and seem to be added as filler information, possibly as an afterthought.

A VIP OTA up sell is made during the sales funnel process. The VIP information consists of additional downloadable videos that add an extra twist to each of the advocated traffic generation options.

AP advocates generating traffic through various traffic broking and posting options with in depth discussions of Pay per Click, Pay per View, Cost per Action (including Cost per Lead, Cost per Impression and Cost per Sale), Incentivized Traffic Options, Co-Registration, Targeted Traffic Pools, Article / Blog / Forum Marketing and general Advertising.

Myth Buster launched a total of 5 highly niche targeted Media Buying campaigns (utilizing 4 of the advocated options) using the methodology outlined in Affiliate Payload. The campaigns consisted of PPC; PPV and TTP traffic options and included Incentive, Advertising, Reverse Demographics, Blog, Forum and Article combinations.

The test ran over a period of 5 business days. Results were constantly monitored and adjustments made to improve Conversion Rates. A total of US $900 was spent on Traffic Generation with 12 hours of preparation and keyword research in 4 niche markets. 22 hours in total were spent on monitoring and adjustments.

The Click through Rate was high for all Media Buying campaigns due to highly researched phrases and targeted keyword groups used. The targeted PPC and TTP campaigns out-performed the pure and combination PPV campaigns. Further research is being initiated on the Incentive and Demographics campaigns as they performed above expectation.

Myth Buster feels that Affiliate Payload does not completely consist of hype, and does deliver on the promised outcome. It is not a package for new marketers or persons inexperienced in Traffic Buying techniques. A cautionary note must be sounded here that the traffic generation methods advocated by Affiliate Payload can lead to above average loss of profit if they are not properly managed / controlled and constantly adjusted.

None of the individual Media Buying strategies are new. The Business Edge is found in the unique application and implementation of these strategies. If these are implemented in a creative manner any person doing business via e-promotion will secure more than sufficient traffic at a very reasonable cost with the prospect of making money.

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