Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Affiliate marketing is a symbiotic internet based business relationship between a merchant web owner and an affiliate. The affiliate, or affiliate marketing associate attracts business to the merchant web owner’s site by posting links from their web pages to the merchant site. Any business that is generated through the affiliate marketing site is then rewarded with the merchant web owner paying commission to the affiliate for referred business through their personal set up of affiliate web marketing.
Once the traffic has been directed to the merchant web owner’s site, the responsibility of luring the business in is no longer in the hands of the affiliate marketing associate, but in the hands of the web site owner. But the affiliate will be compensated for the referral of business by way of whatever is agreed upon prior to setting up their affiliate web marketing relationship.
If you owned a website you could turn it into an affiliate marketing site just by back linking to various affiliate web sites and having them link to your site in return. Back linking creates a more optimal chance of your site being spotted by search engines and also creates the impression that your website is well renowned and trusted as an affiliate marketing support site. By offering a percentage of whatever profits you make from your affiliate’s referrals, they can benefit from your product without having to put in any effort, and you can benefit from the increase in traffic and potential buyers directed to you from them.
By constructing solid relationships with decent, trustworthy and business minded affiliate marketing associates, you could easily set yourself up with a thriving business brought in by affiliate marketing for a number of different niche markets.
There are three ways in which affiliate web marketing can occur:
- Pay per click
- Pay per sale
- Pay per lead
By opting for pay per click affiliate marketing business, you would pay your affiliate a pre-arranged amount every time a person clicks on your product through the affiliate’s website. Pay per sale business would present the affiliate with a fixed amount or a percentage of the total sale price for every item bought that was directed to you through your affiliate’s marketing website. Pay per lead would be a percentage paid to your affiliate for every potential customer that they brought to your website for future business.
Affiliate web marketing has a structure of revenue sharing that can be extremely beneficial for the web owner and the affiliate, especially if the product or service you are promoting is in demand. There is a minimal amount of work that needs to be implemented to maintain it, once the structure is in place. Changing your website into an affiliate marketing site will make it work for you, allowing you to generate infinite amounts of income from your daily flow of traffic into and out of your site.
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